UPPAA announces 2023 U.P. Notable Books List

  1. The Big Island; a Story of Isle Royale – Julian May and John Schoenherr (UMN Press reprints, 2022)

  2. North of Nelson: Stories of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula – Hilton Everett Moore (Silver Mountain Press, 2022)

  3. We Kept Our Towns Going: The Gossard Girls of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula – Phyllis Michael Wong (MSU Press, 2022)

  4. Dissecting Anatomy of a Murder – Eugene Milhizer (Ave Maria School of Law Press, 2019)

  5. Shipwrecked and Rescued, Cars and Crew: The City of Bangor  – Larry Jorgensen (Fresh Ink Group, 2022)

  6. Dorothy is Moving Mountains, a True Story – Dorothy Paad and Matthew Forgrave (DEPBooks 2022)

  7. The Biting Cold – Matthew Hellman (Beacon Publishing Group, 2022)

  8. Superior Voyage anthology –  Marquette Poet;s Circle, Ed. by Rick Rastall (self-published, 2022)

  9. Empire Mine – Cascade Range: Michigan’s Largest Iron Mine – Allan Koski (self-published, 2022)

  10. Cady and the Birchbark Box: A Cady Whirlwind Thunder Mystery – Ann Dallman (Modern History Press)

This Year’s U.P. Notable Classics
The U.P. Notable Books Committee continues their initiative called U.P. Notable Classics that highlights significant U.P. themed literature that has remained essential for at least 10 years. It is the committee’s hope that these books can bring enjoyment to a new generation of readers.

  • Bloodstoppers and Bearwalkers: Folk Traditions of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula by Richard M, Dorson (University of Wisconsin Press, 2008)

  • Ice Hunter: a Woods Cop Mystery by Joseph Heywood (2nd Ed; Lyons Press, 2008)

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